Hotel in Cesenatico directly on the beach
The Hotel Aurelio is a hotels in Cesenatico by the sea e downtownIt is just a short walk from the best boutiques and nightclubs of the resort, perfect for lovers of sunbathing and fun.
For your beach holidays in total relaxation and fun, you will have the best All Inclusive services including beach and all the comforts for the well-being of the family.
Information on how to reach the hotel
Find out where we are and how easy it is to reach us:
- Airports: Rimini Miramare 25 km away - Forlì 50 km - Bologna 100 km away.
- Highways: From the North: A14 exit Cesena - From the South: A14 exit Rimini Nord.
- Train station: Cesenatico 1 km away.
Bus and taxi services are also available to reach our hotel.
Featured Offers
last minute and unmissable offers
Offers not to be missed, valid for limited periods or short term, special discounts or packages with amusement parks included, but also convenient offers for those who prefer to book in advance.
Discover the Hotel Aurelio's featured offers here, take advantage of the packages for families or in All Inclusive formula!